What people have said
Comments taken from letters and evaluations
These comments relate to my teaching. For comments on perfomances, please see under Shows on the blue banner.
‘Your brochure states that you offer a high quality, professional service and you most certainly do! It was a sheer pleasure from beginning to end and I know all the delegates enjoyed it just as much as I did.’’
Participant, Rochester, after KS1 headteachers’ art training day
‘Jane enthused me in areas that I dreaded at school. Art and drama are two subjects which I now look forward to teaching.’
NQT, Homerton College
‘Just to say thankyou again for leading such a wonderful day yesterday. We all learned so much and I am already planning my first clay lesson with my class.’
Primary teacher, Ipswich, after Art Inset day
‘Many thanks for your time, effort and expertise….I have managed to get the resources you suggested which will hopefully help us to follow up your excellent start.’
KS2 teacher, Cambridge, after twelve dance sessions
‘I went on one of your courses several months ago and never got round to saying how much I enjoyed it and how refreshing it was not to hear the word ‘assessment’ or ‘target’, but to get genuine ideas. It reminded me that although so much has changed, really good teaching hasn’t. Your ideas have been floating round in my mind ever since. Thankyou.’
Inset course participant
‘I just wanted to say a massive ‘Thank You’ for all your help, hard work and guidance at our Year 5 Learning Day. I’ve had fantastic feedback from pupils and staff alike.’
Teacher, Middle School, Bury St. Edmunds, after art day on Gustav Klimt
When you told the story I felt that I was in the cinema because the voices, actions and sound effects were brilliant, but it was only one person acting as lots of characters.’
Pupil, Gt. Barford, after learning through drama
‘Jane was amazing – her knowledge of the topic and her way with the children was outstanding.’
Teacher, Welwyn Garden City, after history day
‘You have been an inspirational tutor with the touch of an angel about you. A heartfelt thankyou.’
Art Centre Manager after painting courses
‘Miss Bower was absolutely superb. She had the children ‘under her spell’ within minutes of starting.’
Parent, Long Melford, after history day
‘…well-prepared, dedicated and really motivating. She inspired me.’
‘…excellent…because of her warmth and honesty.’
Teachers in Dubai after dance and literacy courses
‘When you visited us, you made my day glow.’
Pupil, Junior School, Loughton
These comments relate to my teaching. For comments on perfomances, please see under Shows on the blue banner.
‘Your brochure states that you offer a high quality, professional service and you most certainly do! It was a sheer pleasure from beginning to end and I know all the delegates enjoyed it just as much as I did.’’
Participant, Rochester, after KS1 headteachers’ art training day
‘Jane enthused me in areas that I dreaded at school. Art and drama are two subjects which I now look forward to teaching.’
NQT, Homerton College
‘Just to say thankyou again for leading such a wonderful day yesterday. We all learned so much and I am already planning my first clay lesson with my class.’
Primary teacher, Ipswich, after Art Inset day
‘Many thanks for your time, effort and expertise….I have managed to get the resources you suggested which will hopefully help us to follow up your excellent start.’
KS2 teacher, Cambridge, after twelve dance sessions
‘I went on one of your courses several months ago and never got round to saying how much I enjoyed it and how refreshing it was not to hear the word ‘assessment’ or ‘target’, but to get genuine ideas. It reminded me that although so much has changed, really good teaching hasn’t. Your ideas have been floating round in my mind ever since. Thankyou.’
Inset course participant
‘I just wanted to say a massive ‘Thank You’ for all your help, hard work and guidance at our Year 5 Learning Day. I’ve had fantastic feedback from pupils and staff alike.’
Teacher, Middle School, Bury St. Edmunds, after art day on Gustav Klimt
When you told the story I felt that I was in the cinema because the voices, actions and sound effects were brilliant, but it was only one person acting as lots of characters.’
Pupil, Gt. Barford, after learning through drama
‘Jane was amazing – her knowledge of the topic and her way with the children was outstanding.’
Teacher, Welwyn Garden City, after history day
‘You have been an inspirational tutor with the touch of an angel about you. A heartfelt thankyou.’
Art Centre Manager after painting courses
‘Miss Bower was absolutely superb. She had the children ‘under her spell’ within minutes of starting.’
Parent, Long Melford, after history day
‘…well-prepared, dedicated and really motivating. She inspired me.’
‘…excellent…because of her warmth and honesty.’
Teachers in Dubai after dance and literacy courses
‘When you visited us, you made my day glow.’
Pupil, Junior School, Loughton